REVIEW: ATGATT Riding is a Must!

"A blind curve caught my front tire." 
REVIEW: ATGATT Riding is a Must!
On September 20, 2020 three of us were enjoying the mountains of North Carolina SW of Asheville. This was a new area for us to travel, and with the heavy rains earlier in the week veins of run off debris was noted as we descended the grade. Even though I held back on the throttle in the twisties a deep patch of gravel in a blind curve caught my front tire and then the rear in a manner that the bike slid sideways, causing the vehicle to toss me once the rubber purchased the asphalt on the other side of the deep, loose stones.

Thankfully, I had just purchased a set of Bohn All-Season Armored Riding Pants before this trip. They saved me more injury than I had to endure from this high side experience. I am a disciplined AGATT rider, still from the abrupt impact my upper body sustained 6 fractured ribs, shoulder muscles and tendons that received severe bruising, a lacerated spleen and 5 fractured bones in my foot. All these injuries have greatly compromised the left side of my body. Yet, not one area on my legs, Coccyx, Thighs, Knees or Shins received any injuries during this accident.

I attribute this to the grace of God and the excellent product that Bohn Apparel provides to the motorcycling community. My pair of Bohn Armored Riding Pants were protected from abrasion by the over pants and look as new as the day they arrived after ordering. I am 100% convinced that AGATT riding is a must and Bohn will always be a part of that gear.


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We are dedicated to manufacturing in the United States when possible. Our BodyGuard System (our Lycra and mesh pants, shorts and shirts) are sewn in the US.

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We strive use the best, most long-lasting and comfortable materials in our gear. We want you wearing Bohn comfortably for years!