Hi, I bought your Airtex armored shirt and pants at the International Motorcycle Show in Long Beach, CA. A few weeks ago, the weather was perfect for riding, even a little hot, the type of day that I would normally ride with just an tank top, and definitely no jacket. I did however decide to use the Airtex shirt for the first time by itself without a jacket, since it is light and breezy. At some portion of my commute that day, two vehicles, a very bad road and maybe a little of my own arrogance got the better of me. Despite the hard collision with the asphalt and my ego, I walked away with just a couple of scrapes and bruises. Witnesses were surprised I had not broken my shoulder, arm and a number of other bones.
Anyway, I thought you’d like to know that your product has made a believer out of me and the select few who saw my kamikaze flight through the air. I can only imagine the numerous injuries that I luckily avoided by wearing the armor.
Thanks, keep up the good work and ride safe.