I recently purchased your Cool-Air Mesh Armored Riding Shirt. Just ...
I recently purchased your Cool-Air Mesh Armored Riding Shirt. Just a few weeks ago I went down on my Harley Ultra. The bike was all but totaled. Even with a full rain suit on, I somehow ended up with gravel in my jean pockets. To this day I don’t know how that could have happened!
Anyway, thanks to a helmet and your shirt the only injury I sustained, even felt, was what I think was a handle bar in the abdomen. Shoulders, elbows, back – didn’t feel a thing!
Our Cool-Air™ armored shirt is offered in 2 colorways and is the perfect Armored Motorcycle Riding shirt for riding ...
Our Cool-Air™ armored shirt is offered in 2 colorways and is the perfect Armored Motorcycle Riding shirt for riding when heat is a factor. Keeps the armor close, and offered in multiple fabrics to meet your needs.
100% breathable sheer mesh—the coolest armored base layer available
Wear alone or under your favorite shirt, flannel, jacket or wind shirt. It is totally versatile and offered in multiple fabrics. (Note: Shirt is designed for impact protection, not abrasion resistance)
CE-Level 2 Protection for Back, Shoulders, Elbows and Forearm
Keeps the armor close—right where you need it!
Soft and stretchy–fits a wide range of body types
Reinforced seams for added durability—lasts for years with proper care
Armor is removable for easy laundering
We ship for free anywhere in the United States on all orders over $110. If you need help with shipping, please give us a call or send an email.
American Manufacturing
We are dedicated to manufacturing in the United States when possible. Our BodyGuard System (our Lycra and mesh pants, shorts and shirts) are sewn in the US.
high-quality materials
We strive use the best, most long-lasting and comfortable materials in our gear. We want you wearing Bohn comfortably for years!
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