Your Armor Saved Me

Earlier this year I ordered the Bohn Body Armor Cool Air riding pan...
Earlier this year I ordered the Bohn Body Armor Cool Air riding pants and shirt….at about 0830 this morning the pants helped save me along with my ICON armored jacket, and Scorpion helmet. I’ve only been riding about 2 years and my MSF Instructors pounded it into our heads the All The Gear, All The Time mantra. I was originally scheduled to work overtime today but wasn’t needed so decided to go for a ride. It was a beautiful blue sky morning with temps in the mid 70’s and a slight breeze, perfect riding weather. I’m riding along on a rural two lane road at about 50mph (the posted limit) feeling good with a car approaching me from the opposite direction. When I get to a point about 20 or so yards from her she decided to make that infamous left turn in front of me. I knew there wasn’t enough time nor road room, (no shoulders) to get around her so I started emergency braking. I don’t know what my speed was at the point of impact but I do remember seeing the trunk of the car as I went over it. The bike hit the car in the front passenger quarter panel/door area and into the air I went. My body cleared the car and after a roll or two on the ground I was on my back staring up at the blue sky. Bike is probably totaled. After an ambulance ride and some scans the ER doc told me I was one lucky guy. I came out of it with a badly bruised right knee, right ribs, and right forearm. No injuries to my hips, thighs or tail bone, NOT EVEN ROAD RASH! The knee bruise is just above my knee cap where the Bohn knee/shin armor stops. My right knee had impacted the right side crash bar, as it was being torn backwards from the bike’s frame. I have no doubt that if I had not been wearing my Bohn pants my knee would have been crushed. The armor in my Icon jacket saved my forearm and ribs, my Scorpion helmet saved my face and head. I’m now at home very sore but in one piece with no major injuries. THANKS AGAIN BOHN! ATTGATT FOREVER!”–Jon B


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American Manufacturing

We are dedicated to manufacturing in the United States when possible. Our BodyGuard System (our Lycra and mesh pants, shorts and shirts) are sewn in the US.

high-quality materials

We strive use the best, most long-lasting and comfortable materials in our gear. We want you wearing Bohn comfortably for years!