JACKETS!!! Warm up this winter with our Armored, Kevlar, Soft-Shell Jacket - Wind + Rain Resistant
WINTER ARMORED BASE LAYERS are HERE! | Add 10-15º to your ride | Warm • Comfortable • Armored • Protection!
Thanks to John Robinette from Texas—a Bohn rider and great videographer! If you have a Bohn Body Armor review, we’d love to hear from you.
Hey there,
I’ve had the Bohn Body Armor pants for a couple of years now, and I just picked up the shirt, so I thought I’d do a quick review.
I’m an ATGATT guy, but summer here in Texas makes it really hard to gear up for every ride. It’s just too hot. The great thing about the Original Armored Pants and the Airtex Shirt is that they’re both made of this lightweight lycra that’s breathable, so I don’t roast at every stoplight, and it stretches to fit after a winter of no riding.
The CE Level 2 armor fits into pockets on the inside of the shirt at your shoulders, elbows, and forearms, and the pants at your hips, thighs, tailbone, and knees/shins.
You can wear these under your regular clothes, so there’s no need to buy expensive, motorcycle-specific pants or shirts. Everything on your body that’s likely to slide on the pavement if you have an off is covered by the armor pads.
I have motorcycle jeans, and a heavy motorcycle jacket for winter, but it’s nice to have lighter-weight options that offer a ton of protection and don’t break the bank.