Worked Just as You Said it Would

Man where should I start?

I was involved in an incident on March 28, 2021 where I was launched from my bike 50 Feet and landed like a pancake.

I was fully covered neck to ankles in my Bohn apparel which worked just as you said it would on your website.

The injuries I sustained have been isolated to deep bruising and about ten 1 inch scratches on my right leg which took the impact.

Due to the mechanism of the crash the fire personnel had to cut my lower half before transporting me to the hospital so I will be ordering a new shell.

Can’t thank you enough for making this product and easy to acquire.



ER Doc Asked Why All Riders Don’t Wear This

I was the victim of a hit and run crash while riding my motorcycle. The driver looked right at me, pulled out, then when I was done falling, he looked at me again, then drove off.

I was wearing your motorcycle armor pants under my jeans and I had replaced the armor in my jacket with your armor.

As I was laying on my hands and knees on Hwy 85 I thought I had a broken leg and ribs.

Upshot? the doctors and nurses in the ER were just amazed. No broken bones, no road rash. I did feel like someone had beaten me with a baseball bat. But, I walked out of the ER!

I had some unique bruises, on my left leg and rib cage. They matched your armor exactly.

The doctor in the ER spent 3-5 minutes just looking at my armor. He said I should have been hurt a lot worse than I was and asked how come all riders don’t wear this armor. All I could tell him was ‘good question.’

I was going about 40MPH and the EMT told me I had slid about 100 feet.

I give praise to Christ and you guys for saving my butt, literally.

Thank you and good job.

–Mr. Tracey M

PS- Pictures of your armor won’t do much good, it all still looks brand new.

Review update from Tracey — March 2018

My name is Tracey, I just ordered replacement garments for myself and a complete Bohn riding suit for my wife. I’m replacing mine due to losing 47 pounds, and the fact I’ve had these for well over 100,000 miles. These pants have seen both oceans, the Gulf. They’ve gotten peeks at Canada and Mexico as well. They even prevented me being seriously injured, or worse.
I’ll tell the horror story first, seven years ago this August, I got hit by a car while en route to Sturgis. The driver waved me past him, then, nailed me when I was halfway past him. I walked to the ambulance. While in the ER the doctor told me, “You should be hurt a lot worse than this, we should be calling Flight For Life. Why don’t all riders wear this?”
In the last about ten years, these armored pants have been through desert heat, hail, rain, dust storms, snow. More than once, on the same day. When I get to a National Park or Monument etc., I’ll take off hiking. Not sure how many miles I have in these things. I know that  I have done at least two hikes of around 15 miles.
I can’t exaggerate the flat out abuse I’ve put this armor and fabric through. There have been times I’d just take them into the motel shower with me. For those that do serious traveling on your bike, you get it. I’m looking forward to the next 100,000 miles in my new armor and fabrics (and I hope 25 additional pounds).


Punched a Deer in the Chest!!

Just want to thank you for a great product. I put it to the test yesterday 9-28-18 after punching a deer in the chest my right hand still on the throttle of my DR at about 35 mph.

I went down (highside) hard enough to crack the shell on my helmet. I ended up with a broken thumb from the direct impact with the deer, but only slight rug rash from the pads on my left knee and elbows.

The gravel shredded my jeans, but the body armor is a little dirty with no other visible damage. Please feel free to post this testimonial.


Chris Lee, Aka NMRed, Tularosa, NM

Your Armor Saved Me

Earlier this year I ordered the Bohn Body Armor Cool Air riding pants and shirt….at about 0830 this morning the pants helped save me along with my ICON armored jacket, and Scorpion helmet.

I’ve only been riding about 2 years and my MSF Instructors pounded it into our heads the All The Gear, All The Time mantra.
I was originally scheduled to work overtime today but wasn’t needed so decided to go for a ride. It was a beautiful blue sky morning with temps in the mid 70’s and a slight breeze, perfect riding weather. I’m riding along on a rural two lane road at about 50mph (the posted limit) feeling good with a car approaching me from the opposite direction. When I get to a point about 20 or so yards from her she decided to make that infamous left turn in front of me. I knew there wasn’t enough time nor road room, (no shoulders) to get around her so I started emergency braking.

I don’t know what my speed was at the point of impact but I do remember seeing the trunk of the car as I went over it. The bike hit the car in the front passenger quarter panel/door area and into the air I went. My body cleared the car and after a roll or two on the ground I was on my back staring up at the blue sky. Bike is probably totaled.

After an ambulance ride and some scans the ER doc told me I was one lucky guy. I came out of it with a badly bruised right knee, right ribs, and right forearm. No injuries to my hips, thighs or tail bone, NOT EVEN ROAD RASH!
The knee bruise is just above my knee cap where the Bohn knee/shin armor stops. My right knee had impacted the right side crash bar, as it was being torn backwards from the bike’s frame. I have no doubt that if I had not been wearing my Bohn pants my knee would have been crushed.
The armor in my Icon jacket saved my forearm and ribs, my Scorpion helmet saved my face and head. I’m now at home very sore but in one piece with no major injuries.



Jim and I LOVE the Bohn Airtex Shirts

Bohn Body Armor customers Jim and Jean Parker were featured in the March issue of Wing World Magazine. They chronicled their recent trip to Nova Scotia wearing our Bohn All-Season Airtex armored riding shirts. Here is what they had to say about their shirts:

Jim and I are all about “All The Gear, All The Time” and we LOVE the Airtex shirts.

I don’t know what we would have done without them on our Nova Scotia trip as we rode our motorcycle in sweltering heat both to and from Nova Scotia (Bethlehem, PA to Portland, ME) and for a few days while there.

On that trip, I even found myself at times wearing the shirt without a shirt underneath, it was so hot outside.

Photo credit: Harold Nesbitt, Motorcycle Tour Guide Nova Scotia & Atlantic Canada


Jim + Jean Parker

Totaled His Harley Ultra

I recently purchased your Cool-Air Mesh Armored Riding Shirt. Just a few weeks ago I went down on my Harley Ultra. The bike was all but totaled. Even with a full rain suit on, I somehow ended up with gravel in my jean pockets. To this day I don’t know how that could have happened!

Anyway, thanks to a helmet and your shirt the only injury I sustained, even felt, was what I think was a handle bar in the abdomen. Shoulders, elbows, back – didn’t feel a thing!


— Chuck W

Flipped a Few Times

I was wearing your Armored Riding Shirt (zip up front) when I was involved in an accident. I was thrown off my bike and landed on my left shoulder. I flipped a few times and came to rest on my butt.

Upon examination, your armor did its job! I sustained a fractured left rib, but not other injuries thanks to your Bohn Armored Pants with armor in hips and knees.


— Tony G

Cool-Air System in 114° Heat

Let me just say that your Bohn Cool Mesh pants and shirt have saved me twice, on a trip through Redding, Cal. at 114 degrees and crossing the Old Barstow Trail from Laughlin to Baker on my dual purpose bike.

A wet tee-shirt, then your cool mesh shirt and then a light weight coat. Same with your pants. The air gets thru and the wet tee-shirt becomes a swamp cooler. Not bad.

Thankfully I don’t know how good the armor works and I am glad I don’t have a story on that subject. I do know what it is like if you don’t wear armor. I bought your product the week off an asphalt slide. Always lock the corral after the horses are gone.


— Sam J

Friend Might Have Been Better Protected with Bohn

Just got home from a 3-day, 1000 miler! Riding a BMW 1200 RT mostly through “sweepers” and “twisties” against 4 different models of HDs. While they were sweltering in their leathers, I was enjoying my Bohn Cool-Air Mesh Riding Shirt, with an evaporative cooling vest underneath, and was still provided with as much protection in the crucial areas as was possible.

One of our riders went down when his front tire went over an unseen old metal dust pan which stuck under his front tire…while the concussive fractures may not have been prevented, the road rashes might well have been prevented in Bohn gear…


— Jim G

Dropped Piaggio at a Stop Sign

Made a rookie mistake and dropped my Piaggio MP3 400 at a stop sign. Landed on my Bohn Airtex Shirt. Hit my shoulder and elbow. Sore for one day but no damage to me or the jacket.

Plus, I was bright yellow so everyone could see me sheepishly getting help to lift my bike.


— Abigail R