I Laid my Bike Down on Hwy 1

I wear my Bohn Armor (shirt and pants) every single time I ride.

I unfortunately laid my motorcycle down on Hwy 1 near Big Sur, CA in March of this year. However, I walked away from this mishap without a single scratch on my arms or legs because of the Bohn products I was wearing.

Thank you!


— Jonathan L

T-Boned by a Deer

Last June I was T-boned by a deer, doing 60 on my Harley. All I received was road rash but that could have been avoided had I been wearing armor. Soooo, I bought Bohn Armor shirt and pants to better protect myself.


— Dan C

Flew over a Jeep

A Jeep turned left in front of me. I went over my motorcycle handlebars and over his Jeep landing on my back and sliding in the street. I got up and walked away. I was wearing the Bohn All-Season Armored Pants and Shirt.


— Rod M

Missed the Stairs

I wear the Bohn Armored Riding Pants under my Kevlar padded jeans and the Bohn Armor Shirt up top under a leather jacket. I came out of the clinic the other day and I hit the first step on the stairs and missed all the rest. I tumbled, ending up on my back on terra firma.

I remember thinking, “Jeeez, that didn’t even hurt!”


— David P

Fits GREAT under my BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform)

The Bohn Armor pants and shirt arrived this morning. I tried on everything and it looks and feels great. The armor is perfect for wearing under my uniform. Now I don’t have to wear my leathers to work. I can just put these on under my BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform) and still be within regulations…the Air Force is picky about those things.

I’m going to recommend you guys to a couple of my fellow riders.

Again thank you for the great product and I’m sorry for the delivery impatience.


— John

Saved the Pain..

I recently purchased your Bohn All-Season Airtex Shirt in time for Americade. Well it really works!

While on a ride in the Adirondacks I came around a ninety degree turn only to find the road littered with gravel. When I adjusted my line to avoid it, I went off the road into sand for about 100 feet and then into a gully about four feet deep. I walked away without a scratch, the bike was not so lucky.

I just wanted to say thank you and let you know that your product saved me a lot of pain.


— Kevin M, Tallahassee, FL

Your Bohn Armored Shirt Saved Me…

Your Blue and White Airtex Armored Shirt recently saved me, my elbow and my shoulder from serious injury.

I hit an oil patch the other day and after losing all control I fell off the back of the bike. After tumbling and rolling I was able to stand up and take my Airtex shirt off.

I felt a soreness in my left elbow and shoulder and upon examining the shirt I saw that the elbow/shoulder padding had absorbed a great deal of the collision. I am sure that if I hadn’t been wearing the shirt I would be in the hospital with broken bones or worse.

Though I would recommend that the rider wear a light jacket or fleece over the shirt to avoid some of the otherwise minor scrapes and abrasions, it is definitely a good product.



— Devyn Watson

Crash Test

I recently purchased 2 Airtex Armored Shirts from you and we really like them a lot. Unfortunately my husband met with an RV on our motorcycle vacation and had his body shirt cut off him by the medics. We were really lucky to escape with a few broken bones that are now on their way to mending. We really believe the armor had a lot to do with our escape and were glad we were wearing it at the time. Peter suffered a broken clavicle, ribs and road rash. His jeans belt had road rash on the front side and back from spinning around on the road. We believe the body armor shirt protected his back and arms. Neither of us will be riding without the protection in future. It scares me to think of the youngsters in Florida that only wear shorts when riding.



— Jacky S, Florida

Rider Rolls After Being Cut Off by Car

I can’t praise your product enough! I never ride without wearing your armor.

That’s a good thing, too, since I crashed last week and did about 5 revolutions rolling down the road after a car cut me off. I could have been killed, easily.

BUT……I remembered to draw my arms to my chest as I continued to roll – and roll – and roll. When I finally came to a stop on the side of the road I sat up and looked myself over.

I found that not only was I alive, but YOUR armor protected me to the extent that I only got two small scrapes. I was a little sore for a few days. My helmet has a scrape on it. My shirt suffered a tear. The Bohn Armor Airtex Shirt got a couple tears in it. THAT’S IT!

I swear, I am living proof that your product is protective to the point it saves lives.

Thank you so much for such wonderful safe riding gear.


— Joan R

Armor is Important on Short Rides, Too

I’ll spare you the gory and embarrassing details but I would just like to thank you for a truly wonderful product. Seeing as I was just going down the street to drop the bike at the shop I almost convinced myself I didn’t need to wear my body armor. Good sense prevailed and I put it on–the bike never made it to the shop but I’m still here with just a little road rash on my stomach.  By all rights I had no business walking away from that with just a scratch.  Your product worked as advertised. The smartest investment I’ve ever made. Thanks again!


— Alex D