Down In The Twisties

Yesterday, while cruising the twisties, I cooked a corner and layed the bike down. I had on the Cool Air Pants with denim kevlars over.

All I have is slight bruise on my thigh and a slight laceration on my shin thanks to your padded thigh material and shin armor. Great comfortable summer product that does the job.


— Rick C

Sliding Sportbike Crash Report

I was out for a leisurely Sunday ride on my 2005 Suzuki GSX-R 1000. Anybody who knows what that is, already understands that “leisurely” means anything below 100. I was getting on the New Jersey Turnpike on what was (unbeknownst to me) a decreasing radius turn littered with gravel and glass. My two-day-old steering damper was set up too light causing the steering to shake under braking. This left me unable to bleed off speed for the decreasing radius. Then I realized the turn was also littered with glass and gravel. That secondary shock caused a temporary target fixation, which I eventually overcame and got the bike back on course.

Unfortunately, the lean angle required to do so was too much for the gravel and glass. Me and the bike went down at about 50 mph on the rocks and glass. It was as if I was still riding the bike but both of us were laying on our left sides. I slid for about 40 feet on my side. The Bohn Armored Pants saved my knees and hips which were both sliding directly under the weight of the bike. The knee-pad slid to the side and luckily was directly between the side of my knee and the pavement. This left the front of my knee somewhat exposed but I got away from such a nasty accident with a shallow scrape on my knee only about the size of a quarter. As a result of my wearing the pants (and other protection) I was at work bright and early Monday morning, a bit stiff but essentially uninjured.

I see these sport bike riders in shorts and T-Shirts and realize they are truly stupid. Obviously, many of them have not yet gone down before. Unfortunately, for many, I’m sure it’s a lesson learned too late. Its just not worth the possible loss of your knees and hips and other parts or the painful recovery when you can simply purchase protection to wear under your clothes from Bohn Armor.

Thanks for helping to protect me and my crew.


— Jay T

Big Deer Crash

Just wanted to thank Bohn Armor for the protection your pants provided. Both my wife and I were wearing your armored motorcycle riding pants (along with head, torso, feet and hand protection) when a deer jumped into our path at 75 mph (interstate driving).

The impact from the deer broke a few of our bones but the Bohn Armor Pants clearly saved our bones from impact and our skin from the 150′ asphalt slide that followed. Other than a little road rash on the side of one knee, the Bohn Armor clearly saved us from significant damage.

Both the medical staff and law enforcement couldn’t thank us enough for the gear we were wearing. Without it, they assured us the coroner rather than the ambulance would have transported us from the scene.

It may be a while before we ride again (bike was totaled) but if and when we do, we’ll have our new Bohn Armor protecting us.


— Peter & Lynne

Female Newbie Feedback

Bohn Armor – Second year (female) newbie here. . .I bought the Cool-Air Mesh Armored Riding Pants. Their chart size is pretty accurate and ordered for my height (4’11”) Although, I had to buy a new pair of jeans, the next size up and more room in the thigh to accommodate the armor around the hips and tail bone. Hubby says that I do look a bit more curvy, but that’s a good thing since I don’t have much of an hour-glass figure anyway. 😉

Overall the product works well. I ride a Yamaha 250cc and it took a while to get use to the tail bone pad. It’s a little cumbersome when taking a nature break, but that doesn’t deter me from using them. I like the peace of mind of having extra armor and I can’t remember when a bug last hit me on the shin or knee. The last test is to wear them in the upcoming Summer in commuter traffic.

Ride safely!


— F.N.

Forgot He Had Them On!

Just wanted to let you know that I have been wearing your Bohn Armored Pants all over SoCal and put over 450 miles on a bike with them on.

They are very comfortable, I forget I even have them on, fit great, and it’s great knowing I have the protection under my jeans. Thanks so much.


— Ross Cunningham, Cycle World Magazine

Supermoto Crash

I just want to say thank you for a great product. I work in the motorcycle industry and I see a lot of safety gear. Your armored pants are what I choose to wear under my off-road gear for dirt track schools.

I’ve also crashed with them (under dirtbike gear) on a supermoto course and walked away with no ill effects.

I am a 5’10” curvy female and I love the way they fit!


— Christine P

Deer Strike at 40 MPH

Hi! I am happy to report my Bohn Armor Pants helped save my butt in a crash this past weekend. Thanks, great product!

Consider this a testimonial to their effectiveness….30 ft slide at 40mph after a deer collision and I walked away from it.


— Ned W

Deer Strike at 65 MPH

In June 2012 I hit a deer doing 65mph in Florida. My Bohn Armor pants saved my lower body. The Trauma Center Doc at the University of Florida Shands Medical Center walked around holding up my Bohn Armor to show all the Docs, Nurses & EMS Techs why I was not hurt any worse on my lower body.

Your advertisements are 100% TRUE!!


— Gary W, Florida

Road Tested in England

I gave the ‘Armoured Pants‘ a test ride at the weekend, perfect conditions really, (hot and sticky and not a breath of wind) anyway two pals and I set off to the coast at 7am on Sunday both my pals had leather trousers on and the usual bike gear, they found it particularly uncomfortable where as I was keep comfortable while traveling. Not cold in the early morning and likewise for the rest of the trip as the temperature climbed.

We sat outside at a cafe for the traditional breakfast as you do, my pals were finding it quite uncomfortable in the heat but I was fine I am pleased to say. On the bike I didn’t feel my safety was compromised, they were comfortable to wear, the snug fit does keep the armour in place so I was really chuffed.


— SR, Triumph Speed Triple

Cool-Air System in 114° Heat

Let me just say that your Bohn Cool Mesh pants and shirt have saved me twice, on a trip through Redding, Cal. at 114 degrees and crossing the Old Barstow Trail from Laughlin to Baker on my dual purpose bike.

A wet tee-shirt, then your cool mesh shirt and then a light weight coat. Same with your pants. The air gets thru and the wet tee-shirt becomes a swamp cooler. Not bad.

Thankfully I don’t know how good the armor works and I am glad I don’t have a story on that subject. I do know what it is like if you don’t wear armor. I bought your product the week off an asphalt slide. Always lock the corral after the horses are gone.


— Sam J