Shirt and Pants are Absolutely Fantastic

Thought I would share a picture prior to a ride today. I am wearing the Bohn Armor Pants and Airtex Shirt in this photo.

Today it was around 100 degrees when I started the ride and around 103 plus humidity at the end. The shirt and pants are absolutely fantastic and allow great airflow. For those who need a shirt over the Airtex, I purchased the UnderArmour heat gear long sleeve as well.

Wonderful products, takes my mind of falling and focusing on riding.


— Brent B

Works in ER and Recommends Bohn to Patients

I have worn your pants for three years under my work uniform and no one knows I have them on. They are comfortable from around 40 degrees to 95 and are not too bulky.
I work intake at an ER and often ride to work & back. I feel more secure knowing I am wearing under armor as the deer watch me ride by.
When patients come into the ER with road rash after wrecking their bikes, mopeds or four-wheelers I recommend the Bohn Armor site to them (or to the parents). Folks think I own stock in your company from my recommendations!


— Rick J, Charlottesville, VA

Jeans Were Destroyed but Bohns Survived (As Did His Knee)

I was riding in Korea and I had my Bohn underarmor under a basic pair of polo jeans. I was forced to lay the bike down when a cab pulled out in front of me. The car behind me was tailgating and I managed to put my hand on the bumper. This kept me from going under the car, but I slid for a long distance. My jeans were destroyed. The doctor at the emergency room was amazed that my legs had no rash. The only rash was a small spot on my left knee where the pad shifted a bit during the initial impact with the concrete. The Bohns were not even damaged. Amazing product. Thank you for saving my skin and possibly destroying my knee. Sorry I didn’t have a camera with me and I left the hospital wearing my Bohn and paper hospital pants. They cut what was left of my jeans off on the way to X-ray. I told them if they even think about cutting my Bohns we are going to fight. Sorry I don’t have any pics.


— SFC Maia, Thomas F (US Army)

Grateful Lady Rider

Hi, I went down on my motorcycle this summer and my Bohn Body Armor saved me from serious injury. I am so grateful…

The long hard slide on asphalt tore my jeans and wore a hole through my left knee pad down to my knee – with only minor injury to the knee. I probably wouldn’t have a knee cap if I hadn’t been wearing the body armor. I recommend them to everyone.


— Karen C

Customer Service Adds to their Quality

I want to say “Thanks!” to Shannon. If the customer service that she provides is only 10% of the quality of the product, then the pants will stand up to being run over by a tank. I hope to never find out how well the pants work, but as far as comfort and a little extra feeling of security, they fill the bill.

Riding in 95 degree weather was not unbearable. I found that the material is slippery enough to prevent binding and wrinkles. Jeans slip on easily. The ventilated panel went a long ways in preventing “swass”.

When ordering these, remember that they are s-t-r-e-t-c-h-a-b-l-e in all directions. The recommendation to go with the next smaller size when in doubt is valid. Matter of fact, going with the next smaller size even when not in doubt may not be a bad idea. Shannon will take care of any sizing problems you may have very efficiently.

Have only used these pants for about 3000 highway miles so far, but find them so comfortable that I’ve taken to using them even on the shorter 100-300 mile jaunts. Sort of fit like panty-hose. Not that I’d know how panty-hose fit (ok, maybe I do, but that was a long time ago).

Looking forward to some fall riding in colder temps to see how they perform then. Thanks for all your help.


— Chuck B

Sense of Security

This armored garment is a very satisfying product. Fits really well, cool under jeans, and gives me an additional sense of security. Great product.
I will recommend this product to all of my riding friends


— Don J

Big Deer Impact

June 13,2009 I hit a deer with my 2000 Daytona 955i.  That is all I remember for the next 2 weeks.

When I became aware I found I had a severely broken R wrist and a loss of 2 feet of my intestines. I was wearing Bohn armor pants and shirt with full armor and the best helmet I can buy. The doctors all said if I would have had more broken bones or lots of road rash or other grievous injury I probably would not be here today.

It was your armor along with my helmet and the grace of God that kept me alive that day. I am a true disciple of ATGATT now, it saved my life. It was and still is a long recovery but I am alive and doing well.

I hope that perhaps someone in your R&D department is working on some type of protection for the belly area. According to all statistics involving motorcycle wrecks that area of the anatomy is injured in a high percentage of crashes.

The bad news is the Bohn gear gave its life for me, so now before spring arrives here in Western Pa. I need to save enough to once again get the best protective gear in the world.

Thank you so much.  If you need a better testimony send me an e-mail and I would be glad to do that for your company.



— Wilbur H

Deer Accident at 11:45 AM

My wife and I have ridden thousands of miles but very few at night because of the high risk of deer or moose collisions in our ride zone – Maine and North Eastern Canada. Unfortunately for us, our accident happened at 11:45 am.

The deer we were involved with was in a dead run and only made herself visible to me as she leaped over a guardrail directly into our path. A fraction of a second on either side of that leap and we would have missed the deer.

We survived and will live to ride again. Maybe my next bike will have a deer whistle for added insurance….it can’t hurt.


— Pete

I Commute 200 Miles…

I received my Armored Pants and have been wearing them for a week now. They are absolutely great.

I commute 200 miles round trip to work every day. It is great to be able to wear the attire I need for work and yet still be protected. As you know in Mississippi it gets hot.  Lately, we have recorded record highs with high humidity.

I was so impressed with the pants that Yesterday I ordered the Airtex Shirt. I am sure it will make the ride a lot cooler compared to my armored jacket.

Thanks Bohn for making such a great product.


— John P

Old Bold Riders?

I’m a 59 year old who has been riding since I was 16. My main ride is a ’99 Triumph Trophy sport touring bike. Generally speaking, I don’t ride unless it’s going to be for at least an hour.
It takes time to physically and psychologically adjust to the correct frame of mind so that you can concentrate 100% on riding.
Part of this time is the time it takes to put on my boots, helmet, and riding suit. I don’t ride anywhere without the whole thing.
Even though I don’t ride with the abandon I had when I was in my 20s and 30s (single with relatively few responsibilities) I still believe there are old riders and bold riders, but no old bold riders.
I have ridden wearing protective clothing for so long I can’t imagine being comfortable in the saddle without it. I doubt I am alone in this, and would never call myself a zealot.
Just my two cents.


— Bud I, OR (AMA Member)